From 26th of August to 30th of November 2020 – EXTENDED!
Exhibition rooms on the fifth floor of the Museo Revoltella (Trieste)
My pùpoli. Gaetano Kanizsa scientist and artist.
This exhibition celebrates Gaetano Kanizsa, one of the most relevant Italian scholars for the experimental psychology of the XX century, showing works that highlight the links between the scientist and the artist. Kanizsa conceived the two activities as fundamentally different. The link between the scientist and the painter is the idea of order as goal of perception and limit for the action. In his scientific life Kanisza worked to demonstrate that perceptual activity aims at obtaining orderly results, in his artistic life he used the order of pictorial actions as tool to generate new visual entities (pùpoli, the word in the dialect of Trieste to designate small drawings, scribbles).
As scientist Kanizsa became famous for the beauty of his visual demonstrations. As painter Kanizsa focused his attention on calligraphic gestures, looking at their effects as something original, not planned in advance.
The exhibition is curated by the Università degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita.
Open daily from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, closed Tuesdays.
Further information: kanizsa.pupoli@units.it