

The Science in the City Festival is a festival dedicated to people of all ages who are curious about science and technology. It is one of the major European events for the general public and hosts over 150 events, including exhibitions, workshops, concerts, science shows and theatre performances.
It is held every two years in the town that hosts the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) and, in 2020, will be held in Trieste from July to September.

ESOF is a pan European inter-disciplinary conference that, on a biannual basis, brings together around 5,000 researchers, educators, entrepreneurs, public administrators, activists and journalist from all over the world with the primary objective of presenting and discussing the main discoveries in the scientific and technological sector, their impact on society, and their role in achieving sustainable development.

The Science in the City Festival will take place in Trieste, in the streets, squares and numerous other venues made available by the city, both in the centre and the outskirts (museums, theatres, associations, scientific institutions, etc.). Some events will take place in other areas of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

All the information to reach Magazzino 27 and Magazzino 20 at the Trieste Convention Center is available here

To participate in the Science in the City Festival candidates must apply by filling in the online form at this link by 31st December 2019. All accepted proposals must be financed independently, whilst the organisation will provide support in terms of advertising, communications, volunteers, technical assistance and finding a suitable venue.

Proposals may be submitted for exhibitions, science shows, workshops, science cafés, conferences, citizen science activities or any other type of event based on an original and innovative format regarding science, technology, social and human sciences, the relation between science and society, and sustainable development in environmental and social terms.

The Science in the City Festival will be international and multi-lingual, with dozens of events in a foreign language with performers from all over the world. Where possible, shows and performances in a language other than Italian will be translated or subtitled in Italian. Many events will be in English or subtitled in English.

For further requests or information, please send an e-mail to festival@esof.eu


Sottostazione Elettrica
Porto Vecchio
34136 Trieste



Administrative offices

Fondazione Internazionale Trieste per il Progresso e la Libertà delle Scienze (FIT)

c/o ICTP Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste