From 3rd of September to 10th of November 2020
Salone degli Incanti (Trieste)
CYBORN The dawn of an artifical world
The great exhibition continues until 10 November, open daily from 10 am to 8 pm, with free guided tours (daily at 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm, at weekends also in the morning) and online conferences!
In the age of artificial intelligence and robotics, is it still possible to determine where nature ends and where technology begins? Can we draw a line when it comes to our body, the natural object that technology mimics the most? These are just some of the questions that are explored in CYBORN The dawn of an artificial world, the exhibition hosted by the Salone degli Incanti in Trieste during the ESOF2020 Science in the City Festival and promoted by Municipality of Trieste and Trieste International Foundation for Progress and Freedom of Science (FIT).
CYBORN’s itinerary tells the story of our relationship with technology and scientific discoveries, particularly those that have changed our daily lives and those that we expect will change our future. From X-rays, discovered in 1895, to more recent robotics, with a particular focus on what role the human body plays in this story.
On display, visitors will explore these themes through interactive and immersive installations such as a robotic hand, made by the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), which analyzes and mirrors the movements of the user’s hand or a computer capable of detecting facial expressions of one person and replicate them in a different context. Even the physical space itself, Salone degli Incanti, is transformed into an artificial scenery with a projected light effect created by the artistic duo Quiet Ensemble.
The exhibition is curated by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). The exhibition set up is curated by Cameranebbia, an Italian art group that creates highly technological interactive installations that use science to create art and art to discuss science.
More information here. To register click here.