From 16th September to 2nd December
GC4Y Green Cities 4 Young: science, environment, art, sustainability
GC4Y – Green Cities 4 Young is a project by PAG (Progetto Area Giovani) of the Municipality of Trieste, which tackles environmental issues from the point of view of young people and with an eye to sustainability and to the future of the planet. The project is developed in a series of online events.
Fourteen online meetings conceived and carried out by groups of young people accredited by PAG, together with institutional partners, associations and nonprofit entities engaged in environmental, cultural and artistic activities.
The events will be published on the Facebook and Instagram pages of Progetto Area Giovani del Comune di Trieste.
The digital products have been produced by Cineshot Motion Picture.
16 September (Wednesday) : ECO BIKE STREET VIDEO TOUR
by PAG Progetto Area Giovani and Casa dell’Arte Trieste, in collaboration with Dipartimento Territorio, Economia, Ambiente e Mobilità – U.O. Mobilità Sostenibile, Sistema Semaforico, Segnaletica and BiTS bike sharing Municipality of Trieste, with the participation of Associazione Ludodramma and Evoluzione OqS Oltre Quella sedia
A clip combining urban art and sustainable mobility.
19 September (Saturday) : MOKA BOMB
by Topi da Laboratorio
Making coffee is simple, but explained by Topi da Laboratorio (Lab Mice) is an “explosive” experience.
by Primo Taio e Permacarso
Live on fb from Polo Giovani Toti, headquarters of PAG and GC4Y, an interview addressing the benefits of permaculture and urban gardens care.
7 October (Wednesday) : Digital ONU SDG: A WORLD CHANGE FOR 2030
by Aiesec Italia
The UN Goals for Sustainable Development 2030 told by young people from Aiesec Italy.
10 October (Saturday) : BEE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO BEE
by PAG Progetto Area Giovani, Az. Agricola I doni dell’Ape, ITS Deledda-Fabiani
How young peer educators involved in a module of PCTO (Percorso per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento) approached beekeeping.
17 October (Saturday) : IN SEARCH OF OUTLINES
by Vedute in collaboration with Casa E. Gregoretti – Struttura protetta per persone non autosufficienti
A survey on the work experience of people employed in a nursing home for elderly people during Covid-19 pandemic. Comparing Emotions and Technologies.
21 October (Wednesday) : DIGITAL BUDDING POETS
by ZufZone
Online poetry slam: young poets competition with lyrics on environmental issues. Research, poetic sampling, vocality.
by Trieste Senza Sprechi
Families compared in a double interview on habits and daily management of resources and waste.
28 October (Wednesday) : ARTEFATTO STREET EARTH ON TOUR 2020
by PAG Progetto Area Giovani within Chromopolis_La città del futuro and Street Earth on Tour
Live on fb from from the site where the street artist selected this year will work.
31 October (Saturday) : ECO BIKE STREET VIDEO TOUR
by PAG Progetto Area Giovani and Casa dell’Arte Trieste, in collaboration with Dipartimento Territorio, Economia, Ambiente e Mobilità – U.O. Mobilità Sostenibile, Sistema Semaforico, Segnaletica and BiTS bike sharing Municipality of Trieste, with the participation of Associazione Ludodramma and Evoluzione OqS Oltre Quella sedia
A clip combining urban art and sustainable mobility.
4 November (Wednesday) : ECO DIGITAL APERIPAG
by PAG Progetto Area Giovani
Reflecting on the work done by the young people who initiated the project GreenCities4Young, aiming at redesigning future activities.
by DEAMS Università degli Studi di Trieste, ASUGI Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina, Condotta Slow Food TS, Foodinsider, ITS Deledda-Fabiani
A digital event addressing some of the topics related to our food model tackling security, climate change, science and sustainable agro-food production.
2 December (Wednesday) : NATURE MOVIES
Documentary film investigating the world of nature and environmental sustainability.
Photo courtesy of Mara Fella